Design Process Modeler


Welcome to the Modeler, which evolves a model that represents your design process. It adapts to your answers to a series of the questions below. Please feel free to explore and test the model and its phases. Here is a little warning: it is work in progress. You can expect textual and interaction bugs. Help me by providing feedback: Send me a message.

Let's start with the Double Diamond of the UK Design Council from 2005.

The design process is a non-linear iterative process of diverging and converging. Most service designers base their process on the double diamond model (Yu, 2017). The double diamond stands for two sets diverging and converging phases: Discover/Define and Develop/Deliver (Ball, n.d.).

This question became irrelevant because you answered that there should be no separate phase.

Should Test be a separate phase?

Some models include the Test in Develop (Yu, 2017), but in other cases, Test is treated as a separate phase (Stickdorn et al., 2011). You can choose to make testing explicit to demonstrate its importance or the diverging/converging contrast with ideation. When you have a Test phase, you'll be able to choose how this diamond is shaped.

The model remains the same.

This question became irrelevant because you answered that there should be no separate phase.

Is Test or Deliver the second part of the solution space diamond?

The diamonds represent iterative matches between two circular diverging and converging activities, such as the first diamond (Discover/Define) is for the problem space. Develop can have a similar match in the solution space with Test or Deliver. You could keep the original diamond or move Deliver out the diamond. What is the converging end for you; the tested solution just before delivery/implementation or the delivered solution itself?

The diamond remains the same.

This question became irrelevant because you answered that there should be no separate Test phase.

Should there be a Prepare phase before starting the project?

Prepare is the phase that involves the activities of the service designer before kickstarting the project, such as preparing the service design process and perhaps explaining what service design is to the client (Stickdorn et al., 2011). Other activities could include preparing pitches or kick-off.

The model remains the same.

This question became irrelevant because you answered that there should be no separate phase.

Should there be a Maintain phase after the delivery?

A possible final phase is Maintain, where designers continue in assisting the services without starting a new project. This phase continues and improves the service(s) after implementing the service concept. Yu (2017) stated that the service implementation activities are unknown or limited in these service design processes models. These activities would fit in the Deliver and Maintain phases.

The model remains the same.

This question became irrelevant because you answered that there should be no separate phase.

Should Define be a separate phase?

Some models include the Define in Discover (Stickdorn et al., 2011). In other cases, Define is treated as a separate phase (Yu, 2017). Typically, the findings from the analysis are summarised and concluded in this phase.

The model remains the same.

This question became irrelevant because you answered that there should be no separate phase.

Do you want to select new names for the phases?

The same phase can have various names over different models. For example, the Discover phase is called 'Discover' in the original Double Diamond and 'Explore' by Stickdorn et al. Select below a name for each phase from a list.

The model remains the same.

This question became irrelevant because you answered that there should be no separate phase.

This phase prepares the process and project so that there is direction and resources to start.

The designer explores the problem space for the true problem and creates a holistic view.

Findings from the analysis are summarised and concluded in the creative brief.

Concepts are developed with an iterative process for creating and refining solutions.

Testing is essential to evaluate the trials with prototyping, user tests and reflection.

The service concept delivery is prepared and realised.

This phase continues and improves the service(s) after implementing the service concept.

That's it! There are no more questions, but you can still adjust your answers to see the effects.